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by : BTF

Senin, 07 Februari 2011

Dynamic Research (DR) your partner in your life.

Dynamic Research (DR) is an independent private consumer research and marketing. Research agency and currently is developing and dynamic in consumer research and marketing research services besides provides methodology research based on special request from the clients.

Scope of our service : taylor made studies, syndicated studies, multi client studies.

Our services offering : field work force, marketing investigation research, consumer research, data entry force, distribution check, feasibility study, others.

Methodology research :
1) desk riset (secondary data)
2) research data primary :
a)Qualitative research
b)Quantitative research

Qualitative research (mystery shoping) is a techinique to measure service quality. Technique often used for quality control or for researching competitor ‘s product.

Quantitative research (customer satisfaction) repsresent a modern approach for quality in enterprises and organization and service development of a truly customer – focused management and culture.

Consumer research quality control in Qualitative research : project preparation, data collecting, data entry.

Dimention measured in quantitative research : reliability, responsivenes, assurance, empathy, tangibles, reliability.

Nowdays Dynamic Research has a field force more than 500 part timer interviewers and team leaders and also field workers in more than 20 (twenty) main cities and cities in indonesia, namely jakarta, bogor, tangerang, bekasi,,bandung,cirebon,pekalongan, semarang, yogyakarta, surabaya, malang, solo, madiun, jember, medan, palembang, lampung, batam, denpasar, pontianak,samarinda, makassar, ambon, jayapura.

If a study be required in cities other than above cities, a special arrangement will be provided, either by establishing a new team or by transferring a team from nearest city where the field force is available.

We have a team of good interviewers who have experiences enough in quantitative research as well as quantitative research.

Dynamic Research has worked on behalf of larger number of major companies, including both local to multinational companies, such as:
1. Carrefour Indonesia
2. International data corp
3. Business digest (BD)
8. Pusat Kajian Bioindustri BPPT
9. Permata Bank
10. Ajinomoto
11. Semen padang
12. Semen Tonasa
13. Semen Gresik
14. Departemen Perindustrian
15. Distry Survey
16. Nielsen
17. LIPI
18. Elnusa
19. Others

Dynamic Research has produced some multi clients study, such as :

1. - Evaluasi ekonomi 2009 dan prospek 2010
2. - Studi tentang minyak dan gas bumi 2009/2010 industri, pasar, dan prospeknya.
3. - Kajian tentang kondisi dan prospek bisnis semen di indonesia hingga tahun 2018.
4. - Kajian tentang prospek bisnis ENERGI di Indonesia 2010-2025
5. - Transparency International Indonesia untuk Indeks Persepsi Korupsi Indonesia (IPK Indonesia) pengukuran tingkat korupsi pemerintah daerah

if you or your companies want to research about consumer, marketing, corruption index,culture, PILKADA, politics, economic evaluation, and others, please contac :

Dynamic Research
CIK’s Building, 3 rd Floor
Jl. Cikini Raya no. 84-86 Jakarta 10330-Indonesia
HP : 0852 3358 5154